The Oran Park Smart Work Hub is set to open next month and a recent information session gave an insight into what people could expect from the facility. Caroline…
The Oran Park Smart Work Hub is set to open next month and a recent information session gave an insight into what people could expect from the facility. Caroline…
Last week, Oran Park Smart Work Hub developers CoActiv8 held an information session to discuss the direction of the development. CoActiv8 president Caroline McLaren said the night was a huge success, giving prospective Work Hub users the opportunity to air any concerns or suggestions they had about the development, due to open in October. “It […]
It is the dream of many office workers to cut their commute and work closer to home. This dream is set to become a reality with the opening of a smart-work hub at Oran Park in October. Greenfields Development director Mark Perich said the hub, which would be in an office building under construction, would […]
Camden residents working in the city have the chance to avoid long travel times through a new local work hub. Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner and Camden state Liberal MP Chris Patterson said $370,000 would be spent on funding construction of the Oran Park Smart Work Hub. The work hub, set to open in October, allows […]
Smart Work Hubs are coming to Western Sydney, allowing commuters to work in alternative locations closer to home. The NSW Government is providing $1.5 million to pilot three hubs in the Rouse Hill Town Centre, Oran Park Town and Penrith CBD. The hubs will offer commuters in Western Sydney an opportunity for teleworking in an […]
Commuting to the city from the Western suburbs of Sydney can be a costly and timely nightmare. One way to get commuters off the road is by creating co-working spaces in city outskirts. NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Stoner has today allocated $370,000 to establish the Oran Park Smart Work […]
There are solutions for people who want to work for themselves, but who still want an office life. Is working from home all it’s cracked up to be? Many freelancers or small businesses don’t think so, and are turning to another solution. When Kate Iselin ditched her corporate human resources job – and office life […]